Are you questioning your purpose? Wondering whether the career path you’re on is what you’re here to do, now?
I work with leaders who’ve achieved a lot and yet the rewards and recognition aren’t as fulfilling as they used to be.
Maybe you’re experiencing this shift and starting to ask questions about what’s next for you. Or how to bring meaning back into the work you’re doing. Your lack of fulfillment may also be impacting your performance and you’re getting feedback that you’re not as effective as you once were.
If you’re ready to face the restlessness you’re feeling and start exploring that deeper calling, that’s the work I do with leaders and achievers.
Diving into new possibilities is exciting, and also filled with uncertainty and angst. Having a guide, advocate, and coach on this journey of rediscovering your true, best self is so helpful- especially when it’s someone well credentialed who’s been an executive and helped so many leaders across multiple industries successfully navigate this path.
You’ve reached a place in your life where the answers you’re seeking can only be found within you - away from the influences and expectations of others. Turning your attention inward is how you’ll find clarity and a level of confidence you can trust because its roots are deep.
I can help you access your full potential and begin to live your life guided by your own unique internal compass. External conditions are constantly changing but within you is a rich inner landscape of creativity, strength, wisdom and greatness - and it’s waiting to be cultivated.
“Working with Cheryl opened my eyes to change, and choice, framed my thoughts, deepened my self-awareness, and my acceptance of my whole self. Cheryl took me on a journey of discovery, of change, of conscious re-design, and of confirmation - all using the Enneagram as guideposts.”
Work with me and gain the tools, practices and fresh perspectives that will lead you to rediscover your true self. You’ll learn over time to shed the conditioned, false self and free yourself from self-inflicted limitations and needing your worth validated by others.
Learn to tap into the rich landscape within you, and you’ll realize the depths of your potential and how you’ve been holding yourself back from what’s truly possible for you. And you’ll live life more deeply and honestly.
You know you have untapped potential. Let me help you unlock the “more” within you.
The world needs the real you. Let’s get started.
Book a complimentary 20-minute Discovery & Overview appointment to discuss what’s important to you and how coaching could help.

Ready for a change? Get clarity on the steps you need to move forward.